I did this test/horoscope thingy and I found that it reflected my present situation quite accurately.. You could try it out here: http://www.astro.com/cgi/atxgen.cgi?btyp=cf
These are my results...
Your General Disposition
At the present time, your behavior is characterized by your need for a feeling of success. You willingly invest a great deal of energy. At the same time, though, you feel that your actions receive too little attention, acknowledgment and recognition from the people your efforts are aimed at. You find this difficult to understand since your actions prove again and again that you are good willed and giving your best.
Interpretation of the Colors You Find Most Pleasing
Of great importance to you now is...
...optimistic self-encouragement.
Again and again, you consciously adopt a positive inner attitude. This helps you to better stand up under the hardships of the present. You create goals, projects or ideals for yourself that give you a boost and the hope that your life will be better and happier. You search for ways and means which allow you to enjoy life without care and to spend more time devoting yourself to the things that bring you joy. In order to forge ahead in good spirits you now need...
...relaxing favorite pastime.
When the difficulties of daily life or human interaction become too much, you prefer to retreat to your favorite pastime, a quiet hobby or into the world of your thoughts, dreams and fantasies. If you try to achieve the necessary balance to daily routine through a regular practice of meditation, you will find what you have actually been looking for: inner detachedness and peace. It would also be ideal if you could occasionally spend time in the great outdoors. You believe a particular help in achieving the inner peace you desire is...
...peaceable avoidance of conflict.
Friendly relations are important to you. You avoid arguments when possible. You would like to get along peaceably with everyone and not cause any unnecessary trouble. You avoid everything that could place too much strain on your nerves because the demands of your daily life are already enough of a burden. Nevertheless, every now and then, you will be drawn into unpleasant confrontations with someone. You hope to be able to protect yourself from unpleasant situations by...
...obtaining sufficient funds.
It is very important to you to have enough money at your disposal so that you can afford whatever you wish to have or do. For this reason, you are currently spending more time thinking about your finances, and you anxiously deliberate on how you could obtain the necessary money. The certainty that you have sufficient funds strengthens your sense of self-worth and helps you to meet other people with confidence. You have unrealistic expectations regarding your...
...objective assessment of the situation.
Whatever you perceive – people, things or information – you analyze it, both critically and with a certain amount of skepticism, because you want to be certain whether it is beneficial to you or not. You are not easily misled, and in line with the motto “once bitten, twice shy”, you keep your distance from everything that could damage your wallet, your reputation, your wellbeing or your peace of mind. One thing is utterly clear to you: your present situation requires...
...loving attention.
You attempt to use your kindness to gain the affection of other people, and thanks to your charming ways, you usually succeed. You are happy when you can be with someone who shows you warm-heartedness, sympathy and understanding and with whom you can share the enjoyable things of life: delicious food, beautiful music, a comfortable home and, last but not least, the pleasurable exchange of physical affection.
Interpretation of the Colors You Find Most Unpleasant
At the moment you feel most anxious due to your...
...distressing relationship problems.
At the moment, you are more aware of your personal needs, worries and problems, and this makes contact with others more difficult. Your relationship difficulties make you all the sadder because, under the current conditions, you need loving attention more than usual. It would be easier for you to get what you need if you were better able to put yourself in the other person's shoes. You inwardly sigh over your...
...continuing lack of enjoyment.
You feel that difficult circumstances are limiting your ability to experience and enjoy things, and this frustrates you and makes you sensitive to every manner of restriction, demand or even criticism that some person tries to impose on you. You believe you have to fend off such intentions and to act vigorously in order to obtain what you need. You are unable to truly enjoy life due to your...
...inner restlessness.
You have a very sensitive nature, and for this reason, you try as quickly as possible to forget unpleasant experiences by distracting yourself through all means of activity. Naturally, your restlessness can't bring you the inner peace you yearn for. On the contrary, the repressed negative emotions can manifest themselves through sudden shifts in mood or fits of bad temper. You are unable to find inner peace due to your...
...heavy burden of problems.
You feel burdened by personal problems that are not easy to solve. Your biggest problem, however, is the one you create through your belief that the source of your problems lies outside yourself. In truth, it is your conscious mind with its convictions, desires and fears which generates the problems and conflicts and what is more, claims it can't do anything about this, but is nonetheless willing to solve them. The thing you prefer not to admit to is your...
...burdensome situation of suffering.
You believe people should behave correctly, considerately and kindly towards you so that your interactions run pleasantly and without friction. Since this is frequently not the case, you often become indignant over their incorrect behavior and views or their lack of kindness. You easily get the feeling of being someone's innocent victim and believe you have every right to be outraged. You also suffer quite a bit due to your...
...frightening lack of power.
You constantly see yourself confronted with a mountain of difficulties and problems. At the same time, you don't want to let yourself be dragged down by feelings of despair and resignation. For this reason, you concentrate on achieving what is most important to you right now. The resources you employ in doing so range from winning affability to skillful manipulation all the way to authoritarian pressure because you want to get everything under control. Your fear of being powerless arouses exactly the opposite in you: a thirst for power.
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