Monday, January 18, 2016

Year 2 sem 1

Holidays started. And ended. And now sem 2 begins.

Well my sem 1 was rather hectic with 26 AUs of school load and OCIP responsibilities. Not to mention that I stopped tkd as well.

Then finals came. Had 7 papers. It wasn't great. Typo errors for two of my final exam papers. And can you imagine that the prof didn't make an open announcement to correct the mistake?? Like they're trying to cover up for themselves or smtg. That just sucked. So I felt that those papers were marked unfairly since not everyone had the equal chance of doing well. When word spread that there was an error in the paper not corrected during the exam, some emailed the prof, his reply was "I will mark accordingly". What bullshit seriously.

The holidays came. Lab classes for FST for the first 2 weeks. Some stuff regarding the issue of friends dawned on me, and left me feeling perplexed and more cautious about my friends now. Then headed off to Australia on a road trip to Sydney from Gold Coast with jiejie and B. Came back to SG 10 days later. And that was about it. Then school began not too long after.

I hope this semester will be kind on me. Oh but come on, I've known enough that uni is hardly ever kind on me. This semester I'm planning to take 23 AUs. Hopefully it'll be better. More ocip responsibilities due to more deadlines.

Actually I wanted to type a really long post on my long train ride thoughts and some reflections made along the way. But I'll just keep it to myself and find some other time to post it probably.

Anyway I also attended Amanda's 21st birthday yesterday. Happy birthday! If she's reading this.

2nd week of school only and I don't think I'm starting the sem right. I need to straighten things up and get my head back into studies and etc.

Till next time,
Yi Ling (:

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